Fathom DEX relies on a robust and secure smart contract architecture to facilitate its decentralized exchange functionalities.
These smart contracts are the Uniswap V2 direct fork. They are battle-tested on various networks and are considered safe.
Overview of Smart Contract Architecture
Factory Contract
Role: The factory contract is responsible for deploying new liquidity pool contracts. It maintains a registry of all active liquidity pools on the platform.
CreatePair: Deploys a new pair contract for a given token pair.
GetPair: Retrieves the address of an existing pair contract.
Pair Contract
Role: Each pair contract represents a liquidity pool for a specific token pair. It manages the addition and removal of liquidity, as well as the execution of token swaps.
AddLiquidity: Allows users to add tokens to the liquidity pool.
RemoveLiquidity: Allows users to withdraw their tokens from the liquidity pool.
Swap: Facilitates token swaps between the two tokens in the pair.
Router Contract
Role: The router contract provides the main interface for users to interact with the DEX. It routes transactions to the appropriate pair contracts.
AddLiquidity: Simplifies the process of adding liquidity by automatically calculating the optimal token amounts.
RemoveLiquidity: Manages the removal of liquidity, ensuring users receive the correct token amounts.
SwapExactTokensForTokens: Executes a token swap with a specified input amount.
SwapTokensForExactTokens: Executes a token swap with a specified output amount.
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