
The ProxyWalletRegistry manages the creation and administration of proxy wallets. This contract serves as a registry to associate owners with their respective proxy wallets and includes features to manage access and operational states.


  • LogAddToWhitelist:

    • Emitted when an address is added to the whitelist. Only in centralized mode.

    • Parameters:

      • _user (address indexed): The address added to the whitelist.

  • LogRemoveFromWhitelist:

    • Emitted when an address is removed from the whitelist. Only in centralized mode.

    • Parameters:

      • _user (address indexed): The address removed from the whitelist.

  • LogSetDecentralizedMode:

    • Emitted when the decentralized mode is toggled.

    • Parameters:

      • newValue (bool): The new state of the decentralized mode (true for enabled, false for disabled).

  • LogProxyWalletCreation:

    • Emitted when a new proxy wallet is created and associated with an owner.

    • Parameters:

      • owner (address): The owner of the new proxy wallet.

      • proxyWallet (address): The address of the newly created proxy wallet.

State Variables

  • proxies (mapping(address => ProxyWallet)):

    • Maps an owner's address to their corresponding proxy wallet.

  • factory (ProxyWalletFactory):

    • The factory contract used for creating new proxy wallets.

  • whitelisted (mapping(address => bool)):

    • Tracks whether addresses are whitelisted, which influences their ability to create proxy wallets. Only in centralized mode.

  • bookKeeper (IBookKeeper):

    • Reference to the BookKeeper contract used for managing financial interactions within the system.

  • isDecentralizedMode (bool):

    • A flag indicating whether the system is operating in a decentralized mode, affecting proxy wallet creation permissions.


Public/External Functions

  • initialize:

    • Initializes the ProxyWalletRegistry with necessary contract references.

    • Parameters:

      • _factory (address): Address of the ProxyWalletFactory contract.

      • _bookKeeper (address): Address of the BookKeeper contract.

  • addToWhitelist:

    • Adds an address to the whitelist. Only in centralized mode.

    • Parameters:

      • _usr (address): The address to add to the whitelist.

  • removeFromWhitelist:

    • Removes an address from the whitelist. Only in centralized mode.

    • Parameters:

      • _usr (address): The address to remove from the whitelist.

  • setDecentralizedMode:

    • Toggles the decentralized mode of the registry.

    • Parameters:

      • isOn (bool): Boolean to enable or disable decentralized mode.

  • pause and unpause:

    • Controls the paused state of the contract, restricting or enabling function execution based on the contract's operational state.

  • build0:

    • Convenience function that allows an owner to create a proxy wallet for themselves without specifying an owner explicitly.

  • build:

    • Creates a new proxy wallet for a specified owner if they are whitelisted or if the contract is in decentralized mode.

    • Parameters:

      • _owner (address): The intended owner of the new proxy wallet.

  • setOwner:

    • Changes the owner of a specific proxy wallet.

    • Parameters:

      • _newOwner (address): The new owner to set.

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