
The UniswapV2Pair contract is a core component of the Uniswap decentralized exchange. It facilitates liquidity pools between two ERC-20 tokens, enabling token swaps and liquidity management. The contract allows users to add and remove liquidity, swap tokens, and ensure reserves are synchronized with balances. It also supports permits for approvals via signatures and enforces the constant product formula for swaps. The contract emits events to track key actions such as minting, burning, and swapping of tokens.

State Variables


  • Type: address

  • Description: The address of the factory contract that created this pair.


  • Type: address

  • Description: The address of the first token in the pair.


  • Type: address

  • Description: The address of the second token in the pair.


  • Type: uint112

  • Description: The reserve of token0.


  • Type: uint112

  • Description: The reserve of token1.


  • Type: uint32

  • Description: The timestamp of the last block when the reserves were updated.


  • Type: uint

  • Description: Cumulative price of token0.


  • Type: uint

  • Description: Cumulative price of token1.


  • Type: uint

  • Description: The product of the reserves, as of the last liquidity event.


  • Type: uint

  • Description: Mutex variable to prevent reentrancy.

Set Functions


  • Parameters:

    • address to

  • Returns:

    • uint liquidity: The amount of liquidity minted.

  • Description: Mints new liquidity tokens and sends them to the specified address. Updates reserves and handles fees.


  • Parameters:

    • address to

  • Returns:

    • uint amount0: The amount of token0 burned.

    • uint amount1: The amount of token1 burned.

  • Description: Burns liquidity tokens and sends the underlying assets to the specified address. Updates reserves and handles fees.


  • Parameters:

    • uint amount0Out

    • uint amount1Out

    • address to

    • bytes calldata data

  • Returns: None

  • Description: Swaps tokens and sends the output to the specified address. Allows for callbacks to execute additional logic.


  • Parameters:

    • address to

  • Returns: None

  • Description: Transfers any token balances to the specified address, bringing the token balances in line with the reserves.


  • Parameters: None

  • Returns: None

  • Description: Forces reserves to match the token balances in the contract.

Read Functions


  • Parameters: None

  • Returns:

    • string: The name of the token.

  • Description: Returns the name of the token.


  • Parameters: None

  • Returns:

    • string: The symbol of the token.

  • Description: Returns the symbol of the token.


  • Parameters: None

  • Returns:

    • uint8: The number of decimals the token uses.

  • Description: Returns the number of decimals the token uses.


  • Parameters: None

  • Returns:

    • uint: The total supply of the token.

  • Description: Returns the total supply of the token.


  • Parameters:

    • address owner

  • Returns:

    • uint: The balance of the specified address.

  • Description: Returns the token balance of the specified address.


  • Parameters:

    • address owner

    • address spender

  • Returns:

    • uint: The remaining number of tokens that the spender is allowed to spend.

  • Description: Returns the remaining number of tokens that the spender is allowed to spend on behalf of the owner.


  • Parameters: None

  • Returns:

    • bytes32: The EIP-712 domain separator.

  • Description: Returns the EIP-712 domain separator.


  • Parameters: None

  • Returns:

    • bytes32: The permit typehash.

  • Description: Returns the permit typehash.


  • Parameters:

    • address owner

  • Returns:

    • uint: The current nonce for the specified address.

  • Description: Returns the current nonce for the specified address.


  • Parameters: None

  • Returns:

    • uint: The minimum liquidity amount.

  • Description: Returns the minimum liquidity amount.


  • Parameters: None

  • Returns:

    • uint112 reserve0

    • uint112 reserve1

    • uint32 blockTimestampLast

  • Description: Returns the current reserves of the pair and the timestamp of the last block.


  • Parameters: None

  • Returns:

    • uint: The last cumulative price of token0.

  • Description: Returns the last cumulative price of token0.


  • Parameters: None

  • Returns:

    • uint: The last cumulative price of token1.

  • Description: Returns the last cumulative price of token1.



  • Parameters:

    • address indexed owner: The address of the token owner.

    • address indexed spender: The address of the spender.

    • uint value: The amount of tokens approved for spending.

  • Description: Emitted when the allowance of a spender for an owner is set by a call to approve. value is the new allowance.


  • Parameters:

    • address indexed from: The address from which the tokens are transferred.

    • address indexed to: The address to which the tokens are transferred.

    • uint value: The amount of tokens transferred.

  • Description: Emitted when value tokens are moved from one account (from) to another (to).


  • Parameters:

    • address indexed sender: The address initiating the minting.

    • uint amount0: The amount of token0 added.

    • uint amount1: The amount of token1 added.

  • Description: Emitted when liquidity is minted for the pair.


  • Parameters:

    • address indexed sender: The address initiating the burning.

    • uint amount0: The amount of token0 removed.

    • uint amount1: The amount of token1 removed.

    • address indexed to: The address to which the burned tokens are sent.

  • Description: Emitted when liquidity is burned for the pair.


  • Parameters:

    • address indexed sender: The address initiating the swap.

    • uint amount0In: The amount of token0 input.

    • uint amount1In: The amount of token1 input.

    • uint amount0Out: The amount of token0 output.

    • uint amount1Out: The amount of token1 output.

    • address indexed to: The address to which the output tokens are sent.

  • Description: Emitted when a swap is executed.


  • Parameters:

    • uint112 reserve0: The new reserve of token0.

    • uint112 reserve1: The new reserve of token1.

  • Description: Emitted when the reserves of the pair are synchronized.

Last updated

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