
The LiquidationEngine contract manages all liquidations within the protocol, providing interfaces for liquidators to initiate the liquidation process for positions that are under-collateralized.


  • liquidate(bytes32 _collateralPoolId, address _positionAddress, uint256 _debtShareToBeLiquidated, uint256 _maxDebtShareToBeLiquidated, address _collateralRecipient, bytes calldata _data): Allows a whitelisted liquidator to initiate the liquidation of a position. It requires the ID of the collateral pool, the address of the position, the amount of debt to be liquidated, a maximum allowable debt amount for liquidation to manage slippage, the recipient of the collateral, and additional data for the liquidation process.

  • batchLiquidate(bytes32[] calldata _collateralPoolIds, address[] calldata _positionAddresses, uint256[] calldata _debtShareToBeLiquidateds, uint256[] calldata _maxDebtShareToBeLiquidateds, address[] calldata _collateralRecipients, bytes[] calldata datas): Facilitates the batch liquidation of multiple positions in a single transaction. This method enhances efficiency in handling liquidations at scale.


  • LiquidationFail(bytes32 _collateralPoolId, address _positionAddress, address _liquidator, string reason): Emitted when a liquidation attempt fails. It provides details about the failed operation, including the collateral pool ID, position address, liquidator, and reason for failure.

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