Deposit and Withdraw in Vault

To deposit and then withdraw your FXD in the Vault, follow the steps below:

  • Go to Fathom DApp.

  • Connect your Web3 wallet (such as MetaMask) and make sure your network is set to the intended chain (i.e., XDC).

  • Check your desired Vault by clicking the arrow icon at the right.

  • It is also better to check the Strategies this Vault is utilizing.

  • Click "Deposit".

  • Enter the amount you would like to deposit. The shares token you will receive represents your part of the Vault pool. It does not equal your deposit by one-to-one.

  • Click "Deposit"

    • You may be required to approve the FXD transfer before the actual transfer (depending on your previous deposits).

    • Sign and send the transaction in your Wallet.

    • Wait for the transaction to be processed.

    • Once the transaction has gone through, you'll see your deposit in "Your Position" on the same page, and the Vault will be marked as "Earning".

  • To withdraw your deposit and earnings, click the "Manage" button. Please be aware that, based on the Vault and its Strategies, you may face losses and withdraw less than you deposited.

  • Enter the amount you would like to withdraw. The shares token you will burn represents your part of the Vault pool. It does not equal your deposit by one-to-one.

  • Click "Withdraw"

    • You may be required to approve the shares token transfer before the actual transfer (depending on your previous withdrawals).

    • Sign and send the transaction in your Wallet.

    • Wait for the transaction to be processed.

    • Once the transaction has gone through, you'll see your "Your Position" on the same page to have fewer assets or disappear if you return all the money.

Last updated

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