Open FXD position

To open an FXD position, follow the steps below:

  • Go to Fathom DApp.

  • Connect your Web3 wallet (such as MetaMask) and make sure your network is set to the intended chain (i.e., XDC).

  • Select your desired collateral pool in "Available Pools".

  • Click "Open Position"

  • Enter the amount you would like to provide as collateral.

  • Enter the amount of FXD you would like to borrow.

    • You can also click "Safe Max" to borrow the maximum amount of FXD that can be considered relatively safe at the current moment.

    • Note that when you take out an FXD loan, during market volatility for your collateral assets, you should monitor the Safety Buffer because if it drops to 0 and lower, your position may be liquidated.

  • Click "Open this Position"

    • If this is your first time opening an FXD position:

      • The first transaction will be the creation of proxy wallet. Only the second transaction will be the position opening itself.

      • You may be required to approve the collateral transfer before the actual transfer (depending on the collateral type).

    • Sign and send the transaction in your Wallet.

    • Wait for the transaction to be processed.

    • Once the transaction has gone through, you'll see your FXD position in "Your Positions" on the same page below "Available Pools".

Last updated

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