

The UniswapV2Factory contract is a core component of the Fathom DEX. It is responsible for creating and managing pairs (liquidity pools) for token exchanges.

State Variables


  • Type: address

  • Description: Address to which protocol fees are sent.


  • Type: address

  • Description: Address with the permission to update the feeTo address.


  • Type: mapping(address => mapping(address => address))

  • Description: Mapping from two token addresses to the address of their liquidity pool.


  • Type: address[]

  • Description: Array of all created pair addresses.

Set Functions


  • Parameters:

    • address tokenA: The first token of the pair.

    • address tokenB: The second token of the pair.

  • Returns:

    • address pair: The address of the created pair.

  • Description: Creates a new liquidity pair for tokenA and tokenB. Emits the PairCreated event.


  • Parameters:

    • address _feeTo: The address to set as the fee recipient.

  • Description: Sets the address to which protocol fees are sent. Can only be called by the feeToSetter.


  • Parameters:

    • address _feeToSetter: The address to set as the new feeToSetter.

  • Description: Sets the address that can update the fee recipient. Can only be called by the current feeToSetter.

Read Functions


  • Parameters: None

  • Returns:

    • uint: The length of the allPairs array.

  • Description: Returns the number of all pairs created.


  • Parameters: None

  • Returns:

    • bytes32: The keccak256 hash of the UniswapV2Pair creation code.

  • Description: Returns the initialization hash of the UniswapV2Pair contract.



  • Parameters:

    • address indexed token0: The first token of the pair.

    • address indexed token1: The second token of the pair.

    • address pair: The address of the created pair.

    • uint: The total number of pairs.

  • Description: Emitted when a new pair is created.

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